CARMA (Car Management on Aprons)
CARMA was the initial project using the ARIF. Main goals of the project were the development of a basic concept and a first prototype of a apron vehicle management system. Based on research activities in the field of A-SMGCS an adaption of concepts and functions to apron operations was envisaged.
In 2006 A-SMGCS concept elements were mature in terms of technological and operational feasibility. Validations had proofed significant benefits in terms of efficient all weather operations. CARMA was lined up to use comparable functions in a different technical environment.
As the number of apron vehicles operating at airports is significant higher than aircraft, a cost effective solution was one of the most important factors. The focus was set to COTS-products (commercial off the shelf) products and the use of already available infrastructure at Hamburg Airport.
In the course of the project, the ARIF was used for development and testing of a first prototype. Interfaces to operational systems where installed and live data have been used for developing a ground station and a mobile on-board unit. Position of vehicles is determined by the vehicle on-board system and combined with aircraft position data from the A-SMGCS. Using flight plan data from the airport database as additional information a full traffic situation is provided and management functionalities could be integrated.